Friday, December 21, 2007

004: Moral Centralia

I decided to postpone the laundry. I need some rest. The cats get so restless that they wake me up earlier than the alarm. A LOT EARLIER.
I'm really looking forward to Monday evening. I always have a good time. Good food and people I enjoy spending time with. An extra family, in a way. I might visit my real family on Monday as well, I'm not sure. Chances are pretty slim at this point.
A little later I have to do some more shopping. I have to get a few more gifts and I'm done. (I'm never done really.)

I was going to make this a year end blog, best of and random thoughts on it, but that will come some time next week, hopefully. I've gotten lazy in my old age. Ha ha.

We'll see....

Monday, December 17, 2007

003: Rest My Chemistry

On Saturday night Terri and I drove out to Doylestown. I went to see Dillinger Escape Plan @ Siren Records, she hung out at a Starbucks and some random bar. I felt bad that the show was sold out, but I loved how we were in the same town doing different things.
It was a good show, I caught A Life Once Lost. They played a solid set.
Dillinger is really heads above and beyond their peers. Their new album defines growth.

After Dillinger played, I saw a friend I see every now and then on the stage with his camera and gear. I wanted to say hello and express my condolences regarding his Mother, who he lost a few months ago. "It's going to be a rough Christmas." He said, with sadness in his tone. "It's hard for the young ones at home." I told him that this was 10 years since my Mother passed, I understand what he's going through.
He's a good guy. I know he has some serious love surrounding him.

Stay warm

Thursday, December 6, 2007

002: So Here We Are

Welcome to blog # 2. It is going to be a short one as I have a game of Monopoly waiting for me.
Today I had off from work. It's nice having a day to yourself. Everyone should invest in days like these every now and then.
Earlier today I broke my coffee pot. This sucks. I have a back up. Thank goodness. We have a french press which is going to be total trial and error.
I picked up Superbad which was one of my favorite movies. I can write a whole blog as to why.

The most important event today was the last minute plan change to go to the Preston and Steve Camp Out For Hunger. This is important to us. We drove out around 7 to Giant located inside the Plymouth Meeting Metroplex Shopping Center, where the camp out is taking place. The food that Preston and Steve collect will go to Philabundance. Last year they collected over 150 tons of non-perishable food. I hope they surpass that this year.
Giving to others is essential. We take for granted too often the guarantee of having breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Alright, time for Monopoly. Talk to you real soon.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

001: Fresh feeling

Hello. Thanks for stopping by. Blogs are interesting. I've written a few here and there.
It sort of feels as if I'm writting a note to a random friend in high school.

I was thinking earlier about how some people wish they could go back in time to fix things. Life would be awful. Really. Sure I've had my share (and then some) of embarrassing moments, I never wish it went any different. Why? I probably wouldn't be here today. I learned from each painful moment. Are there things in my life I wish I could change? Sure. Since I can't, I won't. I still enjoy my life. If only I knew now what I knew back then. Right? Wrong. If you did, you would never grow or learn. It might not be the grand scheme of things, but it's something.
I've listened to the new Rogue Wave album 3 times today. (So far. It's really good)
What are you doing today?
I think I'm going to have some pasta, talk to my girlfriend and the cats, then go out. Where? Not sure, but I'm sure it will be fun.
I haven't been to the movies in what seems like forever. I'm lame. Maybe we'll go to the Ritz and grab something to eat on our way home.
I have yet to start Christmas shopping.

I'm the most average procrastinator.